Category: Arduino

  • 50+ Basic Projects for Electrical and Electronic Engineering Students

    50+ Basic Projects for Electrical and Electronic Engineering Students

    Hello Electronic Lovers, in this tutorial I have shared 60+ Electronics Projects for Engineering Students. These Projects are tested and verified officially. Select Your project according to your field of interest and then design its prototype in Proteus software (optional). Designing a prototype in Proteus software will help you to understand the basic function of the…

  • Home Security System by Using RFID and ARDUINO

    Home Security System by Using RFID and ARDUINO

    Hi Hello Electronics Lovers, in this tutorial i will show you how to secure the main entrance of your Home, office, school or any Restricted area with the help of RFID and Arduino board. Every owner of the house wants to install Home Security System to secure his home as soon as possible, but most…

  • Learn How to Setup the Wifi Module ESP8266 by Using Just Arduino IDE

    Learn How to Setup the Wifi Module ESP8266 by Using Just Arduino IDE

    Step 1: Turn On Your ESP8266 Module by Using Arduino Nano 3.3V Dc Output Pin. Remeber sometimes Arduino board is not delivering sufficient voltage to the ESP8266 module. You can use a 3.3 V ( Do not exceed input voltage from 3.3v) regulator ( AMS1117 ) to power this module. A voltage divider circuit is used to…

  • Interfacing of DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor with Arduino Nano

    Interfacing of DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor with Arduino Nano

    Hi, Hello Electronics Lovers welcome to this tutorial, in this tutorial I will show you how to Interface DHT11 a very popular temperature and humidity sensor with Arduino. Unlike LM35 this is a digital sensor which has only a single pin output and easily displayed humidity and temperature. We have our regular setup our 16×2…

  • Accident detection Alert System by using Gps and Gsm | Diy Arduino Ide

    Accident detection Alert System by using Gps and Gsm | Diy Arduino Ide

    Today in this article I will show you how to make Accident Detection and Alert System by utilizing Arduino UNO, GSM module, GPS module, and Vibration Sensor Module. The vibration sensor module utilized as a part of this undertaking is utilized to distinguish the change in direct speed, removal or quickening. GPS module recognizes the…

  • Home Made Model of Electronic Bat by Using Arduino Uno | Do it Yourself Project

    Home Made Model of Electronic Bat by Using Arduino Uno | Do it Yourself Project

    Hi hello Electronics Lovers, today I bring something new and interesting for you guys. In this tutorial, I will show you how to make an Electronic Bat by Using Arduino ide and development software tool for coding known as Processing. This is a “do it yourself project” I have explained everything in a clear and easy way. “The…

  • Attendance Monitoring System by Using Arduino | diy project

    Attendance Monitoring System by Using Arduino | diy project

    Hi, Hello Electronics Lovers today I bring something new for you guys, A basic  Attendance monitoring system or Fingerprint Attendance System utilizing Arduino and can be extremely helpful for those places where participation is taken for keeping up enlist like office, school and so forth. This is an easy and DIY project so must do it…

  • Arduino Cheat Sheets Collections – Make Arduino Learning Fast & Easy

    Hi hello, ElectronicsLovers today I am going to share Arduino Cheat Sheets Collections with you people. These Arduino Cheat sheets will help beginners, students. teachers and professionals at every aspect of their interaction with Arduino family. You can easily take a printout of these cheat sheets and can put it on Lab, room and a place where Arduino lie.…