Hi Hello Electronics Lovers, in this tutorial i will show you how to secure the main entrance of your Home, office, school or any Restricted area with the help of RFID and Arduino board. Every owner of the house wants to install Home Security System to secure his home as soon as possible, but most of the time they get failed due to low budget and unfortunately they take a step backward from their decision. Now they don’t need to worry because i bring something cool for them, they need average Electronic skills to make this home security system for their houses.
“Theme: At entrance, a User will first show an exact RFID card Tag to access the authorized place otherwise Red Led will start blinking after a couple of unsuccessful attempts”
How RFID Module Works:

Parts List Of Home Security System by Using RFID and ARDUINO
- Resistors
- Capacitors
- Transistors
- RFID Receiver Module + RFID Tags
- Arduino Uno Board
- Solenoid Lock
Circuit Description of Home Security System by Using RFID and ARDUINO
Circuit diagram of Home Security System by Using RFID and ARDUINO is shown in figure 1. Connection for each and every component is clearly mentioned in the circuit diagram. The heart of this project is Arduino Uno board, RX pin of the Arduino Uno will receive data from the Tx pin of the RFID Module every time when a user wants to Access to an authorized place by showing an RFID tag. If a user has a genuine tag then Arduino will successfully send a HIgh state pulse to pin No 10 that will saturate a transistor to turn on Solenoid lock. In a case where the attempts are unauthorized, the door will remains closed. Additional LED2 start to glow indicating the warning message.
Software: Source Code of “Home Security System by Using RFID and ARDUINO” has been written in an open source Arduino programming language and compiled using Arduino IDE. You can download the code from the link below. The Zip folder of software code contains two Arduino sketch file called Tag_Read.ino and Main_Program.ino. Tag_Read.ino is used to read the RFID tag where Main_Program.ino has been used for controlling purpose. Kindly Unzip the two files first otherwise it will show you an error. Before using this project, the user must first note the RFID tag which is after used in Main_Program.ino.
Interfacing of RFID Module with Arduino To Read RFID Cards
- Check Power supply of RFID Module and Arduino Uno.
- RFID reader and RFID tag must be compatible with the same frequency 125khz
- Extract zip folder and click on Burn Tag_Read.ino file and load into your Arduino Board. After successful compilation, Click on Serial Monitor icon at the top right side of the Arduino ide window.
- Bring your RFID tag near your RFID module and it will show a 12 characters Unique number of RFID tag serially right on your screen.
- Copy that unique Code somewhere on your PC.

Interfacing of RFID Module with Arduino UNO
- Open a second file which is Main_Program.ino on your Arduino IDE and paste that unique code which was copied in step No 5 into it >>> char tag[] =”Paste your Rfid Tag code here”; // Replace with your Tag ID.
- If something is wrong, kindly Recheck again and Connect each and every component correctly.