Today in this article I will show you how to make Accident Detection and Alert System by utilizing Arduino UNO, GSM module, GPS module, and Vibration Sensor Module. The vibration sensor module utilized as a part of this undertaking is utilized to distinguish the change in direct speed, removal or quickening. GPS module recognizes the correct area (longitude and scope) and GSM module is utilized to send the all data to the portable number relegated in the product code.
“The theme of this project is to send notification or Alert warning as SMS to the mobile phone of the respective person whenever Car Accident occurs. A user can get a Google map link to track a Real-Time Location of the Victim | Gps and Gsm”
Working on the Accident Detection and Alert System utilizing Arduino
The working of the venture Accident Detection and Alert System utilizing Arduino can be compressed in 3 focuses underneath:
- At the point when mischance happens, the area subtle elements of vehicle/protest gathered by the GPS module from the satellite, this data is as scope and longitude scale.
- Hence, gathered data is then sustained to Arduino UNO. Important preparing is done and the data is passed to the LCD and GSM modem.
- The GSM modem gathers the data for Arduino UNO and after that exchange it to the cell phone through the SMS which is in a content arrangement.
Arduino Uno
GSM Module (SIM900a)
GPS Module (SIM28ML)
Vibration Sensor Module (SW-18010P)
16×2 LCD Module
10K Variable Resistor
Circuit Description of Accident Detection and Alert System utilizing Arduino

Arduino UNO: It is the focal control unit for the venture Accident locator and ready framework. It essentially assembles data from vibration sensor module and GPS sensor module, process it and show yield to LCD and send message caution to the portable.
GSM Module: SIM900 GSM module is favored for this undertaking for correspondence between mishap locator and ready framework and cell phone. It is fundamentally tri-band take a shot at different recurrence run (EGSM 900 MHz, DSC 1800 MHz, and PCS 1900 MHz). Keeping in mind the end goal to make correspondence between GSM versatile and Arduino Uno we had just utilized Rx stick of GSM module and Tx stick of Arduino stick.
GPS Module: SIM28ML GPS module is favored for this task. The primary capacity of this module is to transmit area information to the Arduino UNO. The association between Arduino UNO and GPS module is set by association to transmit stick Tx of GPS to Arduino UNO Rx stick. This module works at L1 recurrence (1575.42 MHz) and up to a fix an area of around 10 meters in the sky, it produces precise data. The yield of GPS module is in NMEA organize which incorporates information like an area progressively.
Vibration Sensor Module: SW-18010P vibration sensor module is favored for this venture. As we have officially recorded that vibration sensor module is intended to break down direct speed, relocation, and increasing speed. It is fundamentally a spring sort vibration sensor module along these lines it identifies vibration toward any path.
LCD module: LCD module utilized as a part of this undertaking is of 16×2 alphanumeric sort which is utilized to show letter set, number, and extraordinary character. LCD interface with an Arduino in 4-bit mode by associating higher piece information line of LCD (stick 11, 12, 13 and 14) to computerized (stick 8, 9 10 and 11) of Arduino as appeared in circuit graph. Essentially, stick 12 and stick 13 of Arduino is associated with RS and E stick of LCD. The RW stick of LCD is grounded to perform compose working on LCD to perform compose operation on LCD.
Download Arduino IDE from their official website and Compile your code on your Arduino BOard.
Hi how are you.
I tell you we are two young people from ing in telecommunications who are doing their thesis in works with arduino and we were very surprised by your project with gsm, the code itself is very good, our question and if you have the proteus of that work of yours, It would be appreciated if you could send it or publish it.
From already thank you very much.
Can you give me the proteus simulation of this project
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