- · Plan
- · Design
- · Construct
- · Operate
- · Maintain
This method really helped us stay on the right foot since you can use these as guidelines for any project. Another big help would be making a schedule for your project,(when to start, when to end, when to search information, give yourself a break, and stay focused on IT). Our project took at least 2 and a half weeks to complete on paper and once we had It on paper we would analyze it over and over again until we thought it didn’t need anything else, though there’s all ways room for changes.
Before we started to create the actual project we had to make our own imaginary company so we could actually take profit from our creation. Since our project was music related we decided to name it the Music Innovation Company (MIC) for shorts. It was either making our own company or selling it to an already existing company in which we would take less profit from our item. Making us take the decision of making our own, but staying on the realistic side of things. When you start a company you start small and with very limited resources so if we were to start a real company we will only have regional support instead of worldwide. Just a small note to keep in mind.

As technology grows and grows we can improve not only mine but any project in the making available. It is just a matter of determination and educating you with the right mindset! At this point and age anything is possible, so please if you have a project in mind, just START! Even if it’s just on paper. Who knows if in the future it will make it be the real thing! If you feel like you can’t make it on your own, get help! Asking is all it takes. Very grateful for this opportunity and hope I can make more projects like these in the future.