Tag: Home Automation

  • IOT Based Home Automation by Using ESP8266 (NodeMcu) with Blynk

    IOT Based Home Automation by Using ESP8266 (NodeMcu) with Blynk

    After successful Completion of this project, you would be able to control your home appliances such as Tv, Fan, Bulb, Motor, Refrigerator, and door lock e.t.c. with the help of your smartphone from anywhere in the world. Esp8266 a wifi Module plays a vital role in this IOT Based Home Automation Project. An Esp8266 Module will Receive…

  • Smart Home Automation and Energy Management | Final Year Project 2018

    Smart Home Automation and Energy Management | Final Year Project 2018

    Abstract: In today’s world, the Automatic system is being preferred over the manual system.  With a rapid increase in the number of users of the internet over the past decade has made the internet a part of life, and IOT is the latest and emerging technology. Home automation using IOT is a system that uses a computer…

  • IoT Voice Activated Home Automation Project by using Arduino For Smart Home

    IoT Voice Activated Home Automation Project by using Arduino For Smart Home

    In recent years there has been an increase in smart home technology. Home automation has become the new trend. It allows us to control all our home appliances (lights, fans, thermostat, TV, security cameras) by connecting them to a common remotely controllable network making it much more accessible and convenient. And, while it brings home…