Eyesight is a beautiful gift which must be cherished by those who have it, but what about those that lose this benefit? What about those who face some tragic injury and lose their eyes?

Today we have around 40 million eye-loss issues all around the world, which demands more production and accessibility. Thankfully various companies are meeting the needs of their customers.
To furnish a proper eye the producer must keep in mind|Electronics Engineering Technology:
* It must be properly fitted to reduce any irritation in the patient’s eye socket.
* The eye must replicate the original eye.
* There must be minimum chances of breakage of the eye.
MAKING OF THE ARTIFICIAL EYE| best to know for the students of Electronics Engineering Technology:
1) The dimensions of the patient’s eye socket are accurately measured, this is done by filling the patient’s eye socket with a paste that sets within a minute and evolves to the proper shape of the socket.

3) An iris is painted separately to match the exact iris color of the original eye using oil paints. This iris is painted on a flat acrylic disc, this step is in fact a very important step to exactly replicate the eye.
4) A white blank which matches the size of the originally molded conform is used for the white filling of the eye.
5) The iris is accurately fitted on both the settings, and any rough edges or extra excessive edges are cut off and buffered.
6) Color changes are again carried out to match the original eye; And eyes are not exactly white, that refinement is also made.
7) This process includes an addition of the tiny red veins we see in the eye. The veins are made using tiny red silk thread.
8) A final cap is applied to seal in the veins and provides a polished surface which gives a realistic look to the eye.
9) The final product is polished with pumice for enhancing the comfort and is further polished with a wheel to remove any uneven or uncomfortable scratches.
The final product looks just as realistic as the natural eye.
Bionic eyes are also being worked on, at the moment the results of the bionic eye are of very low resolution. They will be further reformed and we can soon hope to get true visual for the blind and injured. No doubt bionic eyes will do much much more than simply provide a cosmetic for the patients, like this artificial prosthetic eye.
Hopefully this topic will help students of Electronics Engineering Technology and electrical engineering.