Conserve energy is often called alternate energy or an alternate source of energy. Five years from now, if we are able to cool the same amount of food using 20 percent less electricity, we could say that we gained 20 percent more electricity or power capacity because the 20 percent savings could then be used by other people, equipment or appliances requiring electricity | How To Save Energy To Lower electric bill |12 ways to conserve energy.
kWh is the unit of electricity most companies use globally to bill their customers.
in this article, I put forward some useful suggestions how to save power in homes so that useful power cannot be overuse and electricity bills will be reduced.
12 ways to conserve energy To Lower electric bill
12.check your home wiring after 1 year for any loop wires or shorts or burning switches. use circuit breaker instead of fuses which might be placed incorrectly by heavy wires. ‘save power even if you can buy it easily, don’t waste it’. save it for other peoples because money can not light up your home or run your water pump it is the power that can do it for you.