You’ve probably seen a dozen tutorials on our website involving Arduino. An Arduino board is essentially a microcontroller board used to program and read the information in the form of input and send commands to control output. You’ve probably heard of the Arduino UNO, Arduino Nano and the Arduino MEGA, the top most popular Arduino boards.
An Arduino set is perfect for those of you who wish to create their own small electronic projects, especially beginners. Arduino starter kits will usually include various digital parts and elements, LEDs, USB and cables and wires.
That being said, there are tons of Arduino starter kits out there for you to choose from. But if you want to know which one would be the best you’ve come to the right place. We’ve built this list of top 8 Arduino Starter Kits for you to choose from this year (2020).
1: The Official Arduino Starter Kit
The official Arduino Starter Kit is the first on our list. With over 750 customer reviews, it has established a standard of itself making it trustworthy to buy. It comes with a project book of around 15 projects and components to help you build them. This is very helpful for beginners to get an idea of how to work with these components. The book itself is available in a number of languages including English, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean and Spanish. It comes with a number of high-quality components and around 2KB RAM for storing information.
Components included in this kit:
- Arduino UNO + USB cable
- Project Book with 15 projects
- 1 breadboard
- Jumper wires
- Wooden base
- 9V battery snap
- 6x phototransistor
- 3x potentiometer
- 10x pushbuttons
- Temperature sensor [TMP36]
- Tilt sensor
- 16×2 LCD
- LEDs
- DC motor
- Servo motor
- Piezo capsule
- Motor drive L293D
- Optocoupler 4N35
- Transistors, capacitors and diodes
- Resistors assortment
The only downside to this kit would be the price; some would find it a bit pricier as compared to other kits.
2: Elegoo UNO R3 Project Complete Starter Kit for Arduino
Elegoo’s Uno Super Starter Kit is certainly up there with the top-ranking Arduino kits you’ll find today. With over TWO HUNDRED components including resistors, LEDs and pushbuttons, modules, sensors (water level sensors, accelerometer, motions sensors, ultrasonic sensor etc.) and much more.
It also comes with a manual including over 35 lessons to get you started. It includes the code and circuit diagrams for you to easily assemble you design. Probably one of the best kits for beginners and hobbyists.
Components included in this kit:
- MEGA2560 Controller Board
- LEDs
- Ceramic Capacitor(22pf & 104pf) (10)
- Photoresistor (2)
- Thermistor
- Diode Rectifier (1N4007) (5)
- Electrolytic Capacitor (10UF 50V & 100UF 50V) (4)
- NPN Transistor (PN2222 & S8050 ) (10)
- Tilt Switch
- Button (small) (2)
- 1 digit 7-segment Display
- 4 digit 7-segment Display
- Sound Sensor Module
- LCD1602 Module
- IC L293D
- IC 74HC595
- Buzzers (1 x Active, 1 x Passive)
- RTC Module
- DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Module
- Potentiometer (2)
- Rotary Encoder Module
- Joystick Module
- Keypad Module
- 5V Relay
- IR Receiver Module
- Breadboard
- Servo Motor (SG90)
- Stepper Motor
- ULN2003 Stepper Motor Driver Board
- Prototype Expansion
- Power Supply Module
- HC-SR501 PIR Motion Sensor
- Ultrasonic Sensor
- GY-521Module
- 3V Servo Motor
- MAX7219 Module
- Remote
- 9V 1A Power Supply
- 65 Jumper Wire
- Water Lever Sensor
- USB Cable
- 9V Battery with DC
- RC522 RFID Module
- Resistor x 120
- Female-to-male Dupont Wire (20)
3: Elegoo UNO Project Super Starter Kit for Arduino
This is another Elegoo product, although it has fewer components as compared to the previous kit we’ve shared. It comes with the essentials and thus it makes it a perfect kit for beginners for a pretty reasonable price. It includes an Arduino clone, an LCD display with header pins, a 7-segment display, LEDs, resistors, jumper wires etc. All the components come with header pins so you don’t have to worry about soldering. Besides the components, the kit also includes a CD with a PDF including over 20 tutorials for you to get started. Overall, this kit is perfect if you’re looking for something handy under budget.
Components included in this kit:
- Elegoo UNO R3 (Compatible with Arduino Uno)
- 16x2LCD Module (with pin header)
- Breadboard
- Expansion Board
- Breadboard Power Supply Module
- Joystick Module
- IR Receiver
- Servo Motor (SG90)
- Stepper Motor
- ULN2003 Stepper Motor Driver Board
- Ultrasonic Sensor
- DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Module
- 9V Battery
- 65 Jumper Wire
- USB Cable
- Buzzer (Active and Passive)
- Potentiometer
- 5V Relay
- Remote
- Tilt Switch
- Button (5)
- 1 digit 7-segment Display
- 4 digit 7-segment Display
- LEDs (5x Yellow, 5x Blue, 5x Green, 5x Red, 1x RGB)
- Photoresistor (2)
- Thermistor
- Diode 1N4007 (2)
- P2N2222 NPN Transistor (2)
- IC 74HC595 Shift Register
- Resistor (120)
- Female-to-male DuPont Wire (10)
4: Kuman for Arduino Project Complete Starter Kit
If you’re looking for a more ‘one-package’ deal, this is the kit for you. It includes all the products you could desire in one package. It comes with a total of 44 components that you can use to make up to 23 projects. It also comes with eBooks, tutorials with circuit diagrams, codes, and instructions in the form of a PDF.
Components included in this kit:
- Kuman UNO R3 Development Board
- USB cable
- Prototype extension board
- Mini breadboard
- 5V stepper motor
- ULN2003 stepper motor driver board
- LEDs
- Vibration Sensor (2)
- Flame sensor
- LM35 temperature sensor
- Infrared receiver
- Photoresistor (3)
- Key cap (4)
- Key switch (4)
- Adjustable potentiometer
- Passive buzzer (piezo buzzer)
- Active buzzer (tone generator)
- Jumper cap
- Large breadboard
- Remote Control
- 16 x 2 Screen LCD
- Breadboard module
- HC-SR04 module
- Component box
- DuPont line 10pin
- Breadboard line (30)
- 8*8 dot matrix
- 1 digit 8 segment tube
- 4-digit 8 segment tube
- IC 74HC595
- Battery Holder
- Resistors
- Battery 9V
- 40pin pin header
- Thermistor module
- Touch sensor
- CD with tutorial
- Plastic box
5: Smraza Ultimate Starter Kit
Probably one of the most cost-effective kits you’ll find today. It comes with over 30 parts and 150 components making it very convenient. It also provides 37 lessons with their codes and instructions in the form of a PDF. All the components are fully soldered and compatible with external sources. One drawback is the absence of capacitors in the kit, however, a servo motor and DC motor are provided.
Components included in this kit:
- R3 Controller Board
- Breadboard Holder
- 400 tie-points Breadboard
- Servo Motor
- 5V Relay
- IC 74HC595
- 5V DC Motor
- Precision Potentiometer
- Active Buzzer
- 2N3904 Transistors (2)
- 1N4148 Diodes (2)
- DHT-11(Temperature and Humidity Sensor)
- Photoresistor (2)
- LEDs
- 12mm Buttons(large)(4)
- 9V Battery adapter
- USB Cable
- 65*Jumper Wire
- Resistors
- Fan
- Key cap ( 1 x White, 1 x Yellow, 1 x Green, 1 x Red)
- 4 digit 7-segment display
6: SunFounder Project Super Starter Kit for Arduino
This is another Arduino Starter Kit with all the basic hardware a beginner would require to start working on Arduino. With over 200 components you can make around 25 projects. The kit also provides a DCD with instructions to help you along the way.
Components included in this kit:
- MEGA2560 Controller Board
- 5V Relay
- Remote Control
- Servo Motor (SG90)
- USB Cable (5)
- LCD1602 Character Display
- IR Receiver
- Humiture Sensor
- Joystick PS2
- 74HC595
- L293d
- Button (small) (5)
- Power Supply Module
- Stepper Motor
- Stepper Motor Driver
- Active Buzzer
- 4-Digit 7-Segment Display
- 7-segment display
- Jumper Wire (Male to Male) (65)
- 9V Battery Clip Connector
- Dupont wire (Female to Male) (10)
- Breadboard
- LEDs
- Resistors
- Tilt Switch
- Thermistor
- Capacitor Ceramic 100nF (4)
- Photoresistor
- 1N4007
- Potentiometer
- NPN Transistor (S8050) (2)
- Small Motor
- Fan
- Ultrasonic Sensor Module
7: Geekcreit Mega 2560 Starter Kit for Arduino
The Geekcreit Mega 2560 Starter Kit from Banggood is what you would consider ‘a complete kit’. It comes with a variety of components, totaling to a sum of over 240 pieces. This Kit is perfect not only for beginners but hobbyists and more experienced users as well. It comes with the Mega 2560 controller board, a perfect replica of Arduino. Also, the kit is pocket-friendly if you’re looking for something under-budget. The only downside, there aren’t any tutorials to help you design your projects.
Components included in this kit:
- LEDs
- Ceramic Capacitor (22pf & 104pf) (10)
- Photoresistor (2)
- Thermistor
- Diode Rectifier (1N4007) (5)
- Electrolytic Capacitor (10UF 50V & 100UF 50V) (4)
- NPN Transistor (PN2222 & S8050 ) (10)
- Tilt Switch
- Button (small) (5)
- 1 digit 7-segment Display
- 4 digit 7-segment Display
- Sound Sensor Module
- LCD1602 Module (with pin header)
- IC L293D
- IC 74HC595
- Buzzers (1 x Active, 1 x Passive)
- RTC Module
- DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Module
- Potentiometer (2)
- Rotary Encoder Module
- Joystick Module
- Keypad Module
- 5V Relay
- IR Receiver Module
- MEGA2560 Controller Board
- Breadboard
- Servo Motor (SG90)
- Stepper Motor
- ULN2003 Stepper Motor Driver Board
- Prototype Expansion
- Power Supply Module
- HC-SR501 PIR Motion Sensor
- Ultrasonic Sensor
- GY-521 Module (with pin header)
- 3V Servo Motor
- MAX7219 Module
- Remote
- 9V 1A Power Supply
- 65 Jumper Wire
- Water Level Sensor
- USB Cable
- 9V Battery with DC
- RC522 RFID Module
- Resistors (120)
- Female-to-male Dupont Wire (20)
8: Geekcreit UNOR3 Basic Learning Starter Kit for Arduino
The last one we have for you is also a product of Banggood, the Geekcreit UNOR3 Basic Learning Starter Kit for Arduino. It comes with lesser components as compared to the Geekcreit Mega 2560 Starter Kit, but it is still a very nice kit overall. It comes with around 100 components (36 different individual ones). Although the kit doesn’t come with tutorials either, you would be happy with the product considering the price.
Components included in this kit:
- Arduino compatible UNO_R3 development board
- USB cable
- Prototype extension board
- Mini breadboard
- 5V stepper motor
- 2003 stepper motor driver board
- LEDs
- Vibration Sensor (2)
- Flame sensor
- LM35 temperature sensor
- Infrared receiver
- Photoresistor (3)
- Keycap (4)
- Key switch (4)
- Adjustable potentiometer
- Passive buzzer (piezo buzzer)
- Active buzzer (tone generator)
- Jumper cap
- Large breadboard
- Remote Control
- 1602 Screen
- 9G servos
- Component box
- 10p DuPont line
- Breadboard line(approximately)1 x 220ohm resistance (30)
- 8*8 dot matrix
- 1 digit eight segment tube
- 4 digit eight segment tube
- IC 74HC595
- Battery Holder
- 1K resistor plug
- 10K resistor plug
- 9V battery
- 2.54mm 40pin pin header
You can get the kit from
That’s all for our list of top 8 best Arduino Kits 2020. Of course, the board you’re selecting should be based on your needs. If you’re a beginner start with a more basic kit and work your way up, the official Arduino Starter Kit is probably the most ideal choice in this case.