eCommerce — Dos and Do Nots

We are not here to lecture you about what eCommerce is. You already know that stuff, clearly, as you are looking up what you need to do to succeed with your eCommerce site. 

Hopefully, this article gets you on the right foot by setting up your site in a way that will help you make a good profit.

People want to come to your site and feel like they can trust you, find everything they want with ease and feel comfortable asking for help knowing your team can provide it. It can be a bit of a learning curve finding what works and what doesn’t, but there are some dos and do not you should absolutely keep in mind. 

If you want that extra helping hand, keep reading to get your tips and tricks. 

Do Dedicate Time to the Look 

Whether you are using a Shopify web agency or building your site through other means, you should 100% give a chunk of your time to making the site look good. 

There is nothing worse than people arriving at your site, and it looks like it came out of 2004. People will click away fast from a site that looks rushed. 

Plan the content layout, the images, and the color scheme carefully. Experiment and see what works and what doesn’t. On top of this, don’t afraid to update and upgrade as you go along. 

Do Not Be Afraid of Trial and Error

Set some money aside for trial and error. As we mentioned before, experimentation is a key part of building your eCommerce site from the look to payment systems to additional bits like content and site navigation. 

There will be something that works for others that may not work for you. Work on finding what makes your site run smoothly and gets customers to stay and buy from you.

Do Get Yourself Some Help

You never have to handle everything by yourself. Get yourself a team of brilliant folks to help manage the parts of your site you might not know much about. 

Whether it is back-end set up or getting good copy created, you won’t be able to keep every plate spinning alone. Communicate well with your team so that everyone stays on the same page. 

Also, please make sure the people who need to collaborate have all the notes they need. It works both ways too, make sure they are reporting back to you about any issues or things that need to be done.

Do Not Forget to Advertise

You could be selling the greatest product to hit the market, but you will get nowhere if people don’t know who you are. This once again involves calling in some favors and working with other people who can help you.

Get the word out! Put notes out on social media, work with advertising companies, and get yourself some direct traffic. After that, you will get the benefit of word-of-mouth advertising once you have some customers through the door.

Do Listen to Your Customers

This one is pretty clean-cut, but it is always worth a reminder. Your customers are the ones navigating your site and trying to buy products from you. They will be the ones to give you the best feedback on what works and what doesn’t. If they give you something constructive that you can work on, use it.

Do Not Expect Immediate Success 

Again, another thing that is worth reminding you of is not expecting things to happen overnight. You may not see results right off that bat so just be patient with yourself and your team, give it time.

To Conclude

This is by no means a definitive list, but it is a good mix of important things to remember and friendly reminders. Keep your head up, keep working, and you’ll get that success in no time.

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