Biometrics is the emerging technology used in the identification of individuals. Here we will discuss a fingerprint-based biometric attendance system. Attendance in school systems and offices is usually marked manually on paper, however, with the use of biometric systems, the use of paper and wastage of time can be greatly reduced. Also, this method is more secure. We call it Biometric Attendance System.
Components Required:
The components required for this project include | Visit Our Official Online Store
- Arduino -1
- Fingerprint module -1
- Push Button – 4
- LEDs -1
- 1K Resistor -2
- 2.2K resistor -1
- Power
- Connecting wires
- Box
- Buzzer -1
- 16×2 LCD -1
- Bread Board -1
- RTC Module -1
Biometric Attendance System Circuit Principle Explanation:
This circuit will help us to authenticate a personal identity through their fingerprint input. Our system has four push buttons for the functions ‘enroll’, ‘Delete/Okay’, and ‘Up/Down’. The ‘enroll’ and ‘delete’ button has triple features. We will discuss these features first. When the user presses ‘enroll’, the LCD will ask for ID, and the user can then store their fingerprint image. In this way, they will be enrolled in the system. Enroll key also behaves as ‘BACK’ key and is also used to download attendance data using the LCD. ‘Delete/Okay’ also has dual functions. The user usually will select finger ID by the help of Up/Down buttons and use ‘Delete/OK’ to proceed with selected ID. (Here it is used as an Okay button. It behaves as a Delete button when used for resetting or deleting data.
Finger Print Module:
The main part of our project is the fingerprint Arduino module. This module stores fingers print image and store it after converting into a memorable template for one specific ID. This whole process of storing is controlled by Arduino. The Yellow LED we have used will indicate when the module is ready to sense the fingerprint input. The buzzer is used for indications in the system but our main component is the Arduino module.
Working of Fingerprint Biometric Attendance System Project:
First, the user is required to enroll the respective fingerprints into the system with the help of the provided push buttons. Press the ‘Enroll’ key and then enter the ID for the fingerprint into the LCD which will be saved into memory. Next, a user will enter his/her specific ID by using the ‘Up/Down/ push buttons. After selecting the ID press the ‘Delete/Okay’ button. The LCD will then ask for the user to place his finger over the fingerprint module from where the module will take the finger image. The LCD will ask the user to remove his finger and then place it again. The module will then store the template of that image in the module’s memory. The user is now registered and can use this system to feed attendance through this method.
If any stored user ID is to be deleted then simply go to user ID and press ‘Delete/Okay’ key. The LCD will ask to select the ID you wish to delete. After selecting ID press ‘Delete/Okay’ and the ID will be deleted. A message from the LCD will inform you that the ID is removed.
Working of Attendance in Project:
The fingerprint module works by capturing an image when the user places his finger on the module and searching for any ID stored that matches the captured image. IF ID is matched then the LCD will show the attendance is registered and a buzzer will beep once. With this, the LED will turn off and the system can then take the next input again. In a way, it is reset. An RTC module for Time and date is also being run alongside the fingerprint module. As a result, whenever a user saves his fingerprint ID in the memory slot the date and time is also recorded.
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This project uses 5 user spaces for 30 days. If you press the ‘Reset’ button on Arduino the ‘enroll’ key will then be used for downloading the attendance data from the Arduino EEPROM Memory.
Memory Management in Arduino:
The memory in Arduino UNO is 1023 bytes. We will use 1018 bytes to store data while 7 bytes will be used to store date and time along with the 5 user attendance data for 30 days. If we were to take 30 days recording for 5 members in 7 bytes then we require 1050 bytes (5*30*7). Hence, we require an additional 32 bytes. However is we use 4 users instead then we require 840 bytes (4*30*7).
In this case, we have changed the code in order to accommodate this change in recordings made. We will mention the changes where they are required in the code.
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Circuit Diagram:
Now we will describe the circuit we will be using for this project. The circuit is actually quite simple. It consists of Arduino, pushes buttons (their functions have been discussed before), a buzzer for alerts, LEDs for indication and an LCD for showing instructions and messages.
We have connected a push button to the pin A0 (Enroll), A1 (Delete), A2 (Up), and A3 (Down), of the Arduino. The Yellow LED is connected to the pin D7 of Arduino with a 1k resistor. The fingerprint modules Rx and Tx are directly connected to pins D2 and D3 of Arduino. A 5V power supply is provided to the fingerprint module through Arduino board. The buzzer is connected to pin A5. We use a 16×2 LCD by connecting its RS, EN, D4, D5, D6, and D7 to Arduino at digital pins D13, D12, D11, D10, D9, and D8.
Source Code:
Before going to Download project source code it is important to Download All necessary libraries used in this source code such as Wire.h, RTClib.h, and Adafruit_Fingerprint.h | Click Here To Download Project Source Code
Video Demonstration
Biometric Attendance System Circuit Applications:
Biometric Attendance System has a lot of applications. Some include
- Used in industries
- Used in educational institutions
- Used in ATM for authentication
- Used in Access Controlling
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i really want this project for my final year project please send me the whole documentation of this project ..
Thank you!!!
i need also send me coding part
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