The goal of this project is how to make a password based digital door lock system for your home, office, university e.t.c
The brain of this project is 8051 micro controller and Relay is the heart of this project these are the two major component of this project. The password is already saved on 8051 microcontroller memory a predefined password is DB 49D,50D,51D,52D,53D,0 if we convert this in to decimal we will get 1 2 3 4 5 so this is our password when we enter this password with the help of keypad the microcontroller will match the entered password with bulletin saved password if both password matched the p2.0 will high and relay would be ON .
The password is not fixed you can change this password by simply change in source code so choose best password for your digital door lock system .
After successful completion
~~~~ Password Based Security System ~~~~~~// This message will be appear on L.C.D
~~~~~ Input 5 Digits ~~~~~~~~// Enter your desired password
~~~~ Checking Password ~~~~~~ // will check your password that is it correct or not
~~~~~Access Granted and Door open ~~~~ // if your password is correct
~~~~~Wrong Password Access Denied ~~~/// This message will be appear on LCD module
components required
* 8051 Microcontroller
* LCD 16*2
* Keypad
* Realy ( 12v )
* Transistor ( Bc548 )
* Diode ( 1n4007 )
* Cystal oscillator 11.95 Mhz
* Capacitors: 33pF , 0.1uF , 10uF
* Resistors: 10K Ohm , 1100 Ohm , 18.2K Ohm , 1330 Ohm , 14.7K Ohm and 10k Res network
The program is written in assembly language …
have you used the right crystal ??
have you make the successful hex file ??
try again to make Hex file correctly and check your crystal frequency….. OR …change password in code by yourself and then check again
heloo this is my email plz help me plz when i write 12345 it shows wrong pass i dnt know why ??
"Morning Mr.Jzamal,whats compiling softwere,to make hex file..thank's
salam i need code using mp lab instructions can you help
I am using development kit and motor driver and potentiometer, can you help
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